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Assignment 1 - Unconventional Portrait



For this assignment, I wouldn't deny but definitely did freak out because I have never done any realistic drawing or portrait drawing of a human before, even during iGCSE art. 

I started off drawing eyes and nose and try to keep it as realistic as possible.

Then I resorted to drawing my own portrait by taking a few pictures of myself. 

After drawing a few sketches of myself, I developed my ideas further and drew a larger picture of myself and painted a few colours on top of it

I then sewed some white threads underneath the eye to show the hardships that I was facing at that time. The white thread represents how I try to conceal my feelings and the black thread hanging shows the uncontrollable feelings that has been poured out.

For this portrait, I was inspired from the human anatomy (face muscles). Of course, this does not look anything like face muscles but I try to make it as abstract and weird looking as possible, and then use acrylic paint to paint a very thin layer on it. 

If you look at this portrait closely, you will be able to see that this woman has her hair tied up in a bun. This was inspired when I was dancing and I was injured, I couldn't perform as well as I could usually and the magazines shows how the words from my dance mentor are just plastered all over my face, not showing any other emotions. 

In this semi final, I printed my picture, and tore it in the middle, make it as uneven as possible. 

I took papers from magazine, cut them up and paste them. This portrait sends a message that society doesn't allow us as humans to be 'us' even when they contradict themselves to ask us to be who we are, when in reality if we were to be ourself, they would judge us. The magazine shows how words from society are tearing us apart slowly. 


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